Monday, December 20, 2010

on Light (part one Introspection)

Light. What is it? We say we seek it in the Western Esoteric Tradition, but what are we seeking here?

St John 1:4/1:5 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

On one level, Light is that intuitive and inspirational knowledge that one gets while contemplating a subject or object. If focused, one can see the reality behind what was focused on. It is the literal and figurative light bulb that comes on over the head of a person depicted in modern illustrations. It is that 'aha' moment when we didn't see the solution before, although it was right in front of our face and now we do. It is the Light that shines upon darkness! We all have it to a degree. We all use it one way or another, but do we have access to it on greater levels?

What if we turn this Light towards ourselves, our inner selves, in order to introspect and understand ourselves better? "know Thyself" How can we accomplish this?

One way is to look at a specific feeling, emotion, or thought that we are having and trace it back intellectually as far as possible. Using our imagination to assist us and doing this until all our intellectual / reasoning faculties are exhausted, then letting it all go and await The Light to shine on the subject! Centering prayer helps one reach this 'calming of the waters' of the mind, and once the waters are calm, they can reflect the Light more clearly! This is a 'circular' type of introspection were one can be in Light, get the information, go back to intellectual thinking, reasoning, back to imagination, back to the calmness, back to Light, back to intellectualizing and so on.

Honesty and Purity of motive in searching for truth is important here. We have to be honest enough to let go of all preconceived ideas about what the answer could be. We cannot force the Light to answer things 'our way'. We have to have the purity of motive to search for the truth, no matter how that could effect us.

Writing is also very helpful in introspection, it helps to *verbalize* ourselves. Once verbalized, we can see ourselves in others... understand others better as we understand ourselves better... For we are closer to each other more than we might think!

in LVX,
a +brother

Friday, December 3, 2010

Karma take two

Is karma a simple law of cause and effect? Is it mechanical? Does it have a purpose? Is it simply so that people that harm will 'get theirs'?

Karma has purpose and direction! It is conscious meaning it has intelligence! Karma interplays with the river of Life!

Karma has purpose so it is not a simple law of cause and effect. Its purpose is nothing less than OUR SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION! It has a specific direction that it leads us. It's lessons are there for us to learn what we have done to another so that we can grow. This growth will lead to increasing Spiritual Power and we learn to use it responsibly... Karma is directing us towards that Spiritual Evolution.

Karma is conscious and intelligent so that when we reap what we so, it is not simply a mechanical law of the universe, but rather is pointing us to a Spiritual lesson that we've missed or have yet to learn. When bad things happen to us and we are capable of tracing the roots back, maybe we can understand the WHY. If we don't learn this lesson, we keep repeating it and keep 'paying for it'... even through lifetimes... until we do. Karma will make us feel the way we made others feel so that we LEARN and EVOLVE!! Karma is not sadistic in that even when we learn we still have to 'pay' the karmic debt. Our Karma is released once we learn the lesson, so we can move onto another one!

Life and Karma interplay in a very sophisticated yet simple pattern. If we raise our perspective and look from a standpoint on this pattern, this fabric of Life, we can see how 'good' and 'bad' interplay with each other to sow the fabric of life. A 'bad' spot on the fabric from a higher view can be seen as a part of the most beautiful mosaic! Maybe instead of focusing 'good' or 'bad' in life, we should focus on Life herself and see the Karmic events in the direction Life is leading us?

Once we know that the underlying fabric of Life is made of Love and Light (understanding) then we may realize that Life itself is a manifestation of these two great forces which melt into one... LOVE! Love once KNOWN on all levels will erase Karma because it contains Light which is Understanding the WHY. Love will resolve and melt 'good' and 'evil' because it contains them both and reconciles both... Love reconciles duality! Love will reconcile and so transform us!

So, what do we do about all this? How do we reconcile 'good' and 'evil'? We melt ourselves in LOVE, that essence of the ALL.

in Love, Light, and Life,
a +brother

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

on Love... part one karma

"What about karma? It is for those who have not yet discovered LOVE. What about eternities? We who have found LOVE know heaven on earth. What about our hungers and appetites and ambitions? They are cared for and provided within this circle of the children of eternity. What about the laws of soul growth and growth in grace? They have their beginning and consummation in LOVE."
~Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit, "The Rule of Antioch"

Why does this sound so correct? This experience of Divine Love, will it untangle the threads of karma? Is this the 'Good News' of the New Testament? Is this the Good News of the religions of the world?

Is this 'The Way'? We might be speaking of semantics here, but to reach the common denominator to Life, that essence that prevaides all things,... Love. Is this the only way to release from karma (salvation)? If so, it might be reached by many means... even by Divine Light (knowledge) but as one author put it, Light without Love is sterile, Love without Light is emotional fantasy, they are both of the same essence...

Just some thoughts and in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Centering Prayer

Was turned on to this by a very respected mentor and it came as usual via a Sync, as had been pointed to this by Life Herself just a few days before. Seems Life is persistent in pointing to the direction the Soul takes.

It is a simple meditation with profound significance. Simply... one chooses a 'sacred word' as a reminder of the original intent... which is nothing less than communion / union with God / Supreme Being / The ALL! As soon as one is aware of other thoughts during the meditation, no matter how profound, the thought is abandoned with the use of the word. This is not a simple 'repeat the word' type meditation, but rather the word is simply a tool to redirect the self to the original intent. Time it takes is around 20 minutes and it is recommended to do once or twice a day.
This meditation may help with experiencing profound feeling of connection! It is not an astral journey, but rather a deep connection to our very Essence, the common denominator of Life! Once this Essence is met, it is found to be deeply Loving and Peaceful. It is the background, foreground, and the very Life we live... if we simply pay attention to it. It is what the world is made of!!

This prayer / meditation bypasses other techniques as it goes passed the astral plains, the realm of forms, realm of thoughts, and goes directly to the Union with the Divine!

This technique is simple as all of the esoteric field should be! It is easy as Life should be! It is elegant as God Is!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother

Thursday, November 4, 2010

of Unity

Unity is so important at this specific time in our human evolution. There are two major forces at work these days: That of Unity, and that of Division, or in terms of the Natural forces, of building and of breaking down. These forces are functional in our evolutionary process.

Unity in religion, politics, or people in general is key to move on to our next level of progression, our next level of understanding. It brings reconciliation to our world. It joins us together in understanding. It is a Universal force in that we don't need to all be the same, but rather find reconciliation in the understanding of our differences.

Disunity, that of breaking apart, elitism, religious intolerance, and so on, will break us down. It will divide us to be conquered by those who know well these forces, but are inclined to side with the force of ’breaking down’. They will simply be the catalysts of this force and their sign of recognition will be that of the 'rule by control at whatever cost'!

These forces are Natural and part of the evolutionary process as a whole. We will keep going through this time after time until we get it right.

If we, as humanity, want to cross the threshold, we need to be more ’Universal’ in our perspective. This perspective is needed now more than ever because now, once again, we have become large enough in numbers that we’re totally and fully dependent on one another!

in Love,
a +brother

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

on transmutation of evil

Evil is not real in itself although it can have ’real’ effects.

An example:

Have you ever done something good for someone and see the goodness seep through them and onto another... and another... and so forth down the line? How far does it really go? Who decides to stop it?

Similar ’pass it along’ of intent and energy can also be caused by doing something 'bad' or 'evil'.

What is the root of evil? What is the root of good?

For lack of a better term most people are 'transmitters' of energy... Just like a 'wave' done at stadiums. Whether good or bad energy, it can be transmitted to and through the masses like a pebbles thrown in a still pond.

The chain of evil, STOPS and is BROKEN by those who can see the reality of these things, who take this 'bad' energy inside of them, transmute it within themselves, and refuse to allow it to pass along to another! We, as the so called walkers of the path, must learn to do this, specially in times of strife because we are so needed.

What is at the root of all this strife? This is nothing outside of us, but then again maybe nothing really is. These forces are sometimes embodied with names and characteristics by people trying to understand them. We get names like the devil, satan and lucifer. The pitfall here is that once we give a persona to these forces, we tend to forget... and place these forces outside of ourselves, placing blame in THEM rather than ourselves!

To stop a chain of evil, is to absorb it, transmute it, and turn the proverbial Lead to Gold. This is breaking of the curses. This is changing our reality!

Much like the Sun, may you radiate the Golden Light from within,

a +brother

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Order of Melchizedek

Thinking about western esoteric initiation, laying of hands, and even apostolic succession, brought me to The Order of Melchizedek.

What is this Order? It is the Royal Priesthood. It is the Divine Order and not a man made reality. It also goes by other names like the Great White Brotherhood, or the True Esoteric Hierarchy.

What are the signs? Love and its manifestation. In St John 13:35 the Master said "By this shall all men know that you are disciples of your Lord, if you have Love one to another." Thats it! Love. Its simple... or is it? We can talk about all those condemned, ostracized, [or insert your problem here] by society and the lack of love for them, but its up to you to do the Loving!

The Way, The Path of Love, is the Royal Road... The Mystic Road! There must be humility of heart, purity of purpose, and introspection with honesty to one's self.

The path of Love is not emotional love, its Divine Love that comes with Wisdom and Understanding. Love and Light are one on the Divine Realm!

On the exoteric level, anyone of any religion, or lack there of, is able to achieve this. It is an internal process. We are all simply the children of the King of All waiting for our Crown!

Choose the path of Love, realize it, become it, and "you'll know that you've been touched by the realm of the Royal Priesthood, that you are apostolic in your succession, and you are of The Order of Melchizedek, God's High Priesthood'!

in Love, Light, and Life,
a +brother of the Cross.

Friday, October 8, 2010

about Ego

Ego is a tool!

There are a lot of bashing of Ego these days within the esoteric community. That we should destroy the Ego, that we should learn to be 'without Ego'... Why? We might reach oneness without Ego, but what does that really do? Will we be regressing back to our original state? Will that be our goal? Or are we here to learn the way back to God, a full circle to where we started, but now with *Love* and *Light* (understanding)... could that be what *Life* is about?

Ego is a tool. A tool to survive and work in this present plane of existence. We need the Ego just like we need a hammer to nail things down. As long as we understand *we are not our hammer*!! If we understand that we are not our Egos, we can Utilize our Ego to put our ideals into Action!

in Love, Light, and Life...
a +brother

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The way of the Cross

"There is only one salvation for you: take yourself up, and make yourself responsible for all the sins of men. For indeed it is so, my friend, and the moment you make yourself sincerely responsible for everything and everyone, you will see at once that it is really so, that it is you who are guilty on behalf of all and for all. Whereas by shifting your own laziness and powerlessness onto others, you will end by sharing in Satan’s pride and murmuring against God."
~’The Brothers Karamazov’ the final novel of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

That’s the way I see it and yes, from my perspective, it is the message of NT. This line of thinking also explains the ’But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.’ and also the ’lost sheep’ parable in the bible. This also explains the esoteric hierarchy, the ancient brethren, and some of us might have had the honor of contacting.

We are all bound together, no one reaches full liberation until we *all* get there. IMHO, this is not simply about an individual salvation / liberation, but rather ’all for one and one for all’ type of thing, which is at heart of Esoteric Christianity. This has been the ’Good News’ and ’Evengelica’ of the Esoteric Christianity that I know and Love!

In Service,
a +brother

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love your enemies

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

When we Pray for the ones that hurt us instead of cursing them, or even being indifferent towards them, we untangle the Karmic Knots that are weaved in our lives.

When we pray for the ones that hurt us, we stand up... just like Master Jesus and take responsibility for Humanity as a whole, we cause a Karmic chain reaction that flows down, forgiving Karmic debt we stop the cycles of birth and death and take one more step towards liberation of Humanity as a whole. We, who are the Mystics in this world have bound ourselves in Service to humanity. No man left behind!

in LL&L,
a +brother.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

about fear

If we truly know that the Universe is Just. That the Ultimate Truth, God, The Cosmos or whatever else we might call it, is Good. If we know that ultimately the world is here to help us evolve, no matter what the specific situation is at the moment ’good’ or ’bad’, and we *trust* in the God of our Hearts, then there is really NOTHING to fear... at all!

God is Love, and Light and our Life is bathed in it continually.

in LVX,
a +brother

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ethics, Morality and Tolerence

What does God want? Or is it more of what we *think* God wants (morality)?

I think its simply the different levels of understanding God. If we see God in *everything* and beyond, and If we put aside morality of what we think God is or wants, we must at least consider the *ethics* as related to the laws of nature...

I do see an ethical decay, simply look outside, from corporations to governments and all the people in between. The question here is: Are we able to use our Intelligence and Love to figure out how to live an ethical life together without inserting our personal notion of God into this? Can we come up with a reasonable understanding of the Laws of Nature and how to apply them?

My problem here isn’t with God or Religion (I believe in God and I consider myself a Christian) but really, we need to get past this morality ('it is so because my religion says so') and get to the ethics of life! The truth as we understand it.

Once we begin to understand we don’t have to ’tolerate’ anything. We transcend it by starting to understand the Laws of nature, and hence to understand the mind of God, which to me is Love and Light.

Why ’tolerate’ if we can Understand!

Just some thoughts and in Love, Light, and Life!
a +brother

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A mirror

What we usually criticize or even like in others we are actually criticizing and liking in our own deepest of selves! For me it took a bit of contemplation but really we are mind looking at its own different facets whenever we interact with another... we are looking in a mirror and our feelings about another are our feelings about ourselves!! We can only hate someone when we hate that part in ourselves... or Love another when we love that part of ourselves.

So, by that insight into our own selves, we can gain insight into the deeper recesses of anther’s soul simply because it is also in us!

We are created in God's image. We *are* the image of God, a mirror broken in to billions of pieces!

in LVX,
a +brother

Monday, August 2, 2010

on Egregore

From my experience, an Egregore is group consciousness and more...
an Egregore can be built by those who know how or it comes on as an after-effect.

The Church (all of them / or pick your religion) has her own Egregore, you feel it when you step into one, you feel it at high mass (for the Catholics) its the energy that is there, even when its empty. The same can be felt in a Lodge room of Freemasons, or a meditation room that has been in use for a while. If one is open enough, we can *feel* what group matches our Spirit / Soul!

An Egregore is also a connection to the symbols used *by* the group. in prayer / meditation those symbols start to come by, and if one is studying with the specific group one understands its ’language’ of symbols.

Those who know how, have also built places on the Astral that we can call Egregore, there is the Christian egregore of heaven, or pick your religion, they are as different as their symbols and notions of afterlife. There are also ’Cathedrals’ and other places / planes that can be accessed by those who know how... or even spontaneously by those who are in tuned to that specific Egregore.

There are also feelings of close groups, for example one person has a hard day, the rest of the group starts to *feel* it! These close groups start us on our paths to ’One-ness’ that we as humans will all share someday!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon

"The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon"

The Templars stated original mission was to protect the pilgrims on their journey to visit The Holy Places! No matter what we might think of the Templars, I intuited one thing yesterday, it’s a simple hypothesis but has found ground in my meditations.

What if the Templars original mission is still intact? What if when and if we in-tune ourselves with a certain level of reality (astral / spiritual planes) we are protected in these astral travels by the Templars in order that we too, as pilgrims, might reach the Holy Places! I’ve been to a couple of these places and if anyone has experience with astral travel, they’d know that it is just like our waking reality, it is full of helpful, neutral and not so helpful entities.

In the book Parzival by Wolfram Von Eschenbech written around 1225 a.c the Templars were the guardians of the Grail and the Grail kings… They might still be at work!

Just some food for thought today,

In Service,
a +brother.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Book of Nature

Book of Nature, its symbols and the correspondence with our inner self!

Ever thought why when the sages and profits talk, they speak in parables and allegory?

Does Nature have its own language? If so, what is this language?

Ever look outside and see a process of nature and equate it to your own inner being?

An old Hermetic axiom ‘as above so below, as within so without’ has always had an insight into the Actuality of the world. (‘Actuality’ being what *is* and ‘reality’ being our individual perception of this Actuality… this Is-ness). The point is getting our reality closer to the Actual, closer to the Truth!

The thesis:

The world outside of us is symbolic of the world inside of us! The places we see, the experiences we have, the people we meet are all a symbol, an allegory of what is going on deep inside of us. If given thought and attention (what meditation used to be) we begin to see the correspondence. We start to understand the ‘Lessons’ involved in our reality (who is the writer of this lesson plan?). We begin to have more synchronistic episodes where what we have been thinking of, starts to re-manifest again and again until we pay closer attention to it and reconcile it. Or life itself uses synchronicity to redirect our attention and points us to something we might have missed.

Its much like a dream which feels ‘real’, all our senses are at work, but on a certain level, it’s all symbolic to our own mental process. When we ‘wake up’ in a dream, a Lucid Dream, we understand that we are in a dream, and can even start to direct, and interact with the symbols and allegories of our dream. A mystic once said that when we wake up in the morning, we’re waking up into a Deeper Dream! What if we are able to ‘wake up’ in this Deeper Dream?? And become Lucid inside our reality! If true, then what is this deeper dream trying to tell us? What are we to learn?

The book of Nature is the book that Life itself uses to teach these lessons. As with all ‘schools’, there is the didactic… here the manifested reality (Nature), and then there is the experiential… the act of living Life!

Some more questions:

When was the last time you had enough time to think a thought all the way through without giving up?

What is thought? What is Love? What is one without the other?

In Love to Light to Life,
a +brother.