Tuesday, November 23, 2010

on Love... part one karma

"What about karma? It is for those who have not yet discovered LOVE. What about eternities? We who have found LOVE know heaven on earth. What about our hungers and appetites and ambitions? They are cared for and provided within this circle of the children of eternity. What about the laws of soul growth and growth in grace? They have their beginning and consummation in LOVE."
~Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit, "The Rule of Antioch"

Why does this sound so correct? This experience of Divine Love, will it untangle the threads of karma? Is this the 'Good News' of the New Testament? Is this the Good News of the religions of the world?

Is this 'The Way'? We might be speaking of semantics here, but to reach the common denominator to Life, that essence that prevaides all things,... Love. Is this the only way to release from karma (salvation)? If so, it might be reached by many means... even by Divine Light (knowledge) but as one author put it, Light without Love is sterile, Love without Light is emotional fantasy, they are both of the same essence...

Just some thoughts and in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother.

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