Monday, August 9, 2010

Ethics, Morality and Tolerence

What does God want? Or is it more of what we *think* God wants (morality)?

I think its simply the different levels of understanding God. If we see God in *everything* and beyond, and If we put aside morality of what we think God is or wants, we must at least consider the *ethics* as related to the laws of nature...

I do see an ethical decay, simply look outside, from corporations to governments and all the people in between. The question here is: Are we able to use our Intelligence and Love to figure out how to live an ethical life together without inserting our personal notion of God into this? Can we come up with a reasonable understanding of the Laws of Nature and how to apply them?

My problem here isn’t with God or Religion (I believe in God and I consider myself a Christian) but really, we need to get past this morality ('it is so because my religion says so') and get to the ethics of life! The truth as we understand it.

Once we begin to understand we don’t have to ’tolerate’ anything. We transcend it by starting to understand the Laws of nature, and hence to understand the mind of God, which to me is Love and Light.

Why ’tolerate’ if we can Understand!

Just some thoughts and in Love, Light, and Life!
a +brother

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