Monday, August 2, 2010

on Egregore

From my experience, an Egregore is group consciousness and more...
an Egregore can be built by those who know how or it comes on as an after-effect.

The Church (all of them / or pick your religion) has her own Egregore, you feel it when you step into one, you feel it at high mass (for the Catholics) its the energy that is there, even when its empty. The same can be felt in a Lodge room of Freemasons, or a meditation room that has been in use for a while. If one is open enough, we can *feel* what group matches our Spirit / Soul!

An Egregore is also a connection to the symbols used *by* the group. in prayer / meditation those symbols start to come by, and if one is studying with the specific group one understands its ’language’ of symbols.

Those who know how, have also built places on the Astral that we can call Egregore, there is the Christian egregore of heaven, or pick your religion, they are as different as their symbols and notions of afterlife. There are also ’Cathedrals’ and other places / planes that can be accessed by those who know how... or even spontaneously by those who are in tuned to that specific Egregore.

There are also feelings of close groups, for example one person has a hard day, the rest of the group starts to *feel* it! These close groups start us on our paths to ’One-ness’ that we as humans will all share someday!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother

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