Friday, October 8, 2010

about Ego

Ego is a tool!

There are a lot of bashing of Ego these days within the esoteric community. That we should destroy the Ego, that we should learn to be 'without Ego'... Why? We might reach oneness without Ego, but what does that really do? Will we be regressing back to our original state? Will that be our goal? Or are we here to learn the way back to God, a full circle to where we started, but now with *Love* and *Light* (understanding)... could that be what *Life* is about?

Ego is a tool. A tool to survive and work in this present plane of existence. We need the Ego just like we need a hammer to nail things down. As long as we understand *we are not our hammer*!! If we understand that we are not our Egos, we can Utilize our Ego to put our ideals into Action!

in Love, Light, and Life...
a +brother

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