Thursday, November 4, 2010

of Unity

Unity is so important at this specific time in our human evolution. There are two major forces at work these days: That of Unity, and that of Division, or in terms of the Natural forces, of building and of breaking down. These forces are functional in our evolutionary process.

Unity in religion, politics, or people in general is key to move on to our next level of progression, our next level of understanding. It brings reconciliation to our world. It joins us together in understanding. It is a Universal force in that we don't need to all be the same, but rather find reconciliation in the understanding of our differences.

Disunity, that of breaking apart, elitism, religious intolerance, and so on, will break us down. It will divide us to be conquered by those who know well these forces, but are inclined to side with the force of ’breaking down’. They will simply be the catalysts of this force and their sign of recognition will be that of the 'rule by control at whatever cost'!

These forces are Natural and part of the evolutionary process as a whole. We will keep going through this time after time until we get it right.

If we, as humanity, want to cross the threshold, we need to be more ’Universal’ in our perspective. This perspective is needed now more than ever because now, once again, we have become large enough in numbers that we’re totally and fully dependent on one another!

in Love,
a +brother

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