Thursday, November 18, 2010

Centering Prayer

Was turned on to this by a very respected mentor and it came as usual via a Sync, as had been pointed to this by Life Herself just a few days before. Seems Life is persistent in pointing to the direction the Soul takes.

It is a simple meditation with profound significance. Simply... one chooses a 'sacred word' as a reminder of the original intent... which is nothing less than communion / union with God / Supreme Being / The ALL! As soon as one is aware of other thoughts during the meditation, no matter how profound, the thought is abandoned with the use of the word. This is not a simple 'repeat the word' type meditation, but rather the word is simply a tool to redirect the self to the original intent. Time it takes is around 20 minutes and it is recommended to do once or twice a day.
This meditation may help with experiencing profound feeling of connection! It is not an astral journey, but rather a deep connection to our very Essence, the common denominator of Life! Once this Essence is met, it is found to be deeply Loving and Peaceful. It is the background, foreground, and the very Life we live... if we simply pay attention to it. It is what the world is made of!!

This prayer / meditation bypasses other techniques as it goes passed the astral plains, the realm of forms, realm of thoughts, and goes directly to the Union with the Divine!

This technique is simple as all of the esoteric field should be! It is easy as Life should be! It is elegant as God Is!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother

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