Friday, July 30, 2010

The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon

"The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon"

The Templars stated original mission was to protect the pilgrims on their journey to visit The Holy Places! No matter what we might think of the Templars, I intuited one thing yesterday, it’s a simple hypothesis but has found ground in my meditations.

What if the Templars original mission is still intact? What if when and if we in-tune ourselves with a certain level of reality (astral / spiritual planes) we are protected in these astral travels by the Templars in order that we too, as pilgrims, might reach the Holy Places! I’ve been to a couple of these places and if anyone has experience with astral travel, they’d know that it is just like our waking reality, it is full of helpful, neutral and not so helpful entities.

In the book Parzival by Wolfram Von Eschenbech written around 1225 a.c the Templars were the guardians of the Grail and the Grail kings… They might still be at work!

Just some food for thought today,

In Service,
a +brother.

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