Thursday, July 29, 2010

Book of Nature

Book of Nature, its symbols and the correspondence with our inner self!

Ever thought why when the sages and profits talk, they speak in parables and allegory?

Does Nature have its own language? If so, what is this language?

Ever look outside and see a process of nature and equate it to your own inner being?

An old Hermetic axiom ‘as above so below, as within so without’ has always had an insight into the Actuality of the world. (‘Actuality’ being what *is* and ‘reality’ being our individual perception of this Actuality… this Is-ness). The point is getting our reality closer to the Actual, closer to the Truth!

The thesis:

The world outside of us is symbolic of the world inside of us! The places we see, the experiences we have, the people we meet are all a symbol, an allegory of what is going on deep inside of us. If given thought and attention (what meditation used to be) we begin to see the correspondence. We start to understand the ‘Lessons’ involved in our reality (who is the writer of this lesson plan?). We begin to have more synchronistic episodes where what we have been thinking of, starts to re-manifest again and again until we pay closer attention to it and reconcile it. Or life itself uses synchronicity to redirect our attention and points us to something we might have missed.

Its much like a dream which feels ‘real’, all our senses are at work, but on a certain level, it’s all symbolic to our own mental process. When we ‘wake up’ in a dream, a Lucid Dream, we understand that we are in a dream, and can even start to direct, and interact with the symbols and allegories of our dream. A mystic once said that when we wake up in the morning, we’re waking up into a Deeper Dream! What if we are able to ‘wake up’ in this Deeper Dream?? And become Lucid inside our reality! If true, then what is this deeper dream trying to tell us? What are we to learn?

The book of Nature is the book that Life itself uses to teach these lessons. As with all ‘schools’, there is the didactic… here the manifested reality (Nature), and then there is the experiential… the act of living Life!

Some more questions:

When was the last time you had enough time to think a thought all the way through without giving up?

What is thought? What is Love? What is one without the other?

In Love to Light to Life,
a +brother.

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