Monday, November 14, 2011

more on Tradition...

Jesus spend 40 days in the desert, he used to leave his disciples often to meditate (commune with the father).

After Rome took over Christianity, a little known story is that some Christians left in droves to the desert... our desert fathers. They went as far south as Ethiopia, as far east as India and China, as far west as... they lived their whole lives in little caves and holes in walls, drew a circle around themselves and sat to get to *know* the Father... Their students started the original monasteries!

The tradition of Jesus, the desert fathers, is the tradition of the Esoteric Christianity...

a +brother

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

on loss...

When we come close to those things that break us down, we touch those things that also break us open. And in that breaking open, we uncover our true nature.

Wayne Muller


"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?" ~Morpheus, The Matrix movie

Walking outside one night, it seemed I was walking in a dream. Just like the dreams when lucid and knowing its a dream. Just like the dreams that feel so real that it is mistaken, as usual, for reality.

I wondered... Who's Dream am I walking in now?

"And now you come in my awakening, which is my deeper dream" ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Caution for the Adepts

The path of the Adept... the Magi is a path of many pitfalls and constraints.

Been noticing the 'powers' of my peers increasing of late. It might sound silly to some, but to others it is quite serious. Powers such as directing of winds, astral projections, directing elementals and energies are coming to their own. These 'powers' are spoken of in the pamphlet "Adepts Masters & Mahatmas" by Percival. The cautions that he mentions is the *desire* to manipulate these powers comes with the price of bringing down the Adept more and more into the physical material plane, and hence hampering their progression.

Where I don't agree with Percival (to a certain degree only) is that he mentions it is extremely hard for an Adept to reach Master-hood or the Mental Level and they get stuck for many reincarnation in the physical and the astral levels. There is still the way of the Mystic, the Monk.

The *Caution* here for the ones on the path of the Adept is that the law of 'do what thou wilt'... even the addition of 'hurt no one', is still a law of free desire. Not bad in and of itself for anyone who does not feel the calling to the path, but for those on the path, this can be extremely hindering, limiting, and sometimes detrimental to their path. There are many examples of this today, the likes of the Abraham Hicks movement of getting whatever you desire. Yes, it is possible and it works, but one is only going deeper into desire and material. Using the new Astral body not for progression, but to fulfill desires on the physical plane.

There is a way for the Adept to progress like the days of old. It is not an easy way, but a way non-the-less. It is the way of the Monk. The early Adepts, the ones who had the path to spiritual progression from physical to astral to mental worlds and beyond, had to extremely restrain their own desires. They had to make moral and monistic laws and rules in order to keep their desires at bay while acting within the moral boundaries, all of this and at the same time working on their astral bodies. This way has worked in the past, but it is a lot less utilized in this day and age.

Just thought I'd share...

in Love,

a +brother.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


As above so below, as within so without, as before so once again.
Intra Nobis Regnum Iehova
(The Kingdom of God is within us)


I broke... and with me, so did the ground of my Psyche.
With the ground of my Psyche breaking, so broke the construct, the
edifice of my reality.

I broke and fell backwards within myself as did the bits and pieces of
the edifice of my reality.
Panicking, I tried to grasp at the ruins, the bits and pieces of my edifice.
But they only turned to dust and disappeared.

As I fell I saw the light of my reality dimming and then it was gone.
I was falling in the abyss!
Darkness all around me.
Despair, fear, struggle!
Time was lost.


Time was lost, I gave up the despair, let go of the fear, and stopped
the struggle.
I was still falling.
Realized: where am I falling to?
Turned around to look.
Realized I was never falling at all.
I was being pulled UP!
Up through the Planes of manifestation.
Up to the source.
Up to the divine essence.


I was a man dying of thirst floating in a sea of fresh water.
Unlimited energy to regenerate.
I reached out and the divine reached in.
It was always there, right behind me.
I felt it permeate through every particle of my being and surrounded me.


I felt the permeation, the touch.
I was sent down through the Planes of manifestation.
The touch started to crystallize into Knowledge of its essence.
Down through the Planes.
The knowledge crystallize into understanding of the essence.
Down through the Planes.
The understanding crystallize into authority to direct the essence.
I was given the Scepter!

...but 'I' will not direct. 'I' will not control. 'I' have no use of
this power.

Its a mutual understanding!

As above so below, as within so without, as before so once again.
Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
(Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying will find the hidden stone).

May you all realize that you too hold the Scepter!

~ a +brother
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
(Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Thy name be given glory).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spirit behind forms...

Ideals to ideas to thoughts to words to action, form, events is the way of above to below.

Retrace actions, forms, events back to words inside your mind.

Turn the words back into thoughts.

Follow the thoughts to the ideas behind them.

Trace the ideas back to the Universal Ideals that spawned them.

In this way one may:

..."It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior."~ Emerald Tablet of Hermes.

in Love to Light to Life,

a +brother

Friday, August 5, 2011

Order of the Temple part II

... There are the paths to the 'holy land', the Sacred Temple within you. These paths are rough and rugged roads. The closer one gets to the 'holy land', the more one is assaulted by the ones whose job is to divert, and to seduce by any means necessary. This, in the big scheme of things is to test the purity, will, and intent of the pilgrim upon the path. Do not be disheartened as there are ones who have taken on the mission to protect the pilgrims on the path to the 'holy land'. The end, never justifies the means!

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam~

~Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name be given glory ~ Psalm 115

a +brother

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Merging of the four worlds

We are Multilevel beings. At any given moment, which is all moments, we function on all levels of Reality. We interact and transform on all levels of Reality simultaneously. Sometimes we get hints at the different levels that we are already in but not fully conscious of... like visions of the astral, Ideals of the Mental world, and Noetic intuitions of the Noetic realms... even some rare moments of *Union*. What we do here, changes all the worlds.

With that said, I suppose the goal would be to become conscious in all the worlds simultaneously!

To become fully Awake!

in Love, Light, and Life,

a +brother

Monday, July 4, 2011

Progression of Humanity

Everything... all 'good' or 'bad'... the ebb and flow of Life, and the whole world of duality is the cause to effect the *progression* of humanity into transformation from 'sensual man' to 'spiritual man'.

'Thy Will be done',

a +brother

Friday, May 6, 2011

On Government

No matter what one's political views are, the closest form of government to the natural order of things is a Democratic and representative Republic.

Look at the body, with all its cells functioning in unity. When a person makes a decision, does s/he defer to the cells to vote in order to act?

The cells (people) seem to really function at the behest of the brain (Judicial branch) and the heart (Congress with its finger to the pulse of the people (cells)), leading to the personality (Executive branch) to make the decision to Act.

A Democratic Representative Republic does just that.

One may say that the cells never elected the brain, heart, and the personality... With further contemplation one might ask... didn't they?

The warnings are the same...

If the brain takes over, the law is followed too literally, and the cells follow a very legalistic, harsh, and sterile leader... a world of dogmatic science!

If the heart takes over, the emotions run amok and the cells follow a overly protective, unstable, and emotional leader... a world of dogmatic religion!

If the personality takes over, then the cells follow a selfish, egotistical, and maniacal leader... a world of despotism!

It is only with these three opposing forces functioning in balance with one another, that the cells, and therefore man, can both function in Unity and still be a Sovereign!

... and so a Democratic and representative Republic echoes the Natural Hierarchy!

As below, so above.

in LL&L,
a +brother.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Too much Light may cause blindness

Truth (any ray of the Light or Divine Reason) needs to be supported by the individual or humanity that has risen to the degree of attainment called for by the truth, otherwise the truth will simply be engulfed by the darkness of ignorance.

Example... lets say that humanity is given the secret to perpetual motion, to unlimited power, but what will humanity, at this time in its advancement, do with it? Will it use it for the good of all, or will it simply use it to power more advanced killing machines until it destroys itself... once again!

We have to *earn* these truths, through advancement in ourselves, increased Reason, by being Honest, which manifests in Equality, Fairness and all the good things that we Idealize. We, as Humanity, need to earn this before more Light is given. This, is simply a Law... with increased power, comes the need for increased ability to direct it within the Law, or else we will destroy ourselves again.

Zeus didn't want Prometheus to give man fire, because maybe he knew man didn't deserve it at that time in his development, that he would use fire to cook and illuminate the night, but also use it to burn his neighbors doweling down!

The Illuminati... the real Illuminati's work, is in advancement of Humanity, after her/his own advancement. Imagine one giving a hand up to another while at the same time grabbing the hand of the one above... all the way up the celestial chain of the True Esoteric Hierarchy!

One for all and all for One.

in Light,
a +brother

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mental Realm

We all do Guided meditation from time to time, using imagination to transverse the Astral world.

The Astral world is the world of emotions put to form. In other words, it is just like this world, but you can build your forms (like temples and angels), and you can empty your daily stressers there feeling good after the meditation. With the 'good' also can come the 'bad'... The Astral is also the world of negative emotions and fears too! Every emotion that you might have in the material world will become amplified in the Astral.

We all visit the Astral on and off, but there is a higher world, a higher meditation. It is the world of Mind. It is Ideas that comes to you as thoughts. But this world of the Mind does not contain form. It is alien to some, because it is on the Mental and without forms or images. You gain Inspirations and Ideas using your thought (thinking things through) to reach it.

If you think about it, maybe it is time for you to move on? Maybe its time for you to gain *confidence* and *belief*? Because, after all, God is in *everything*. Once we realize this, have belief and confidence in the Spirit, we understand that the Spirit gives us everything we ever needed, need, or will need!

The Spiritual *is* even in the material. The Spirit (God) is *everywhere* and if we truely believe, there is no fear... I realize its easier said than done, but the Mental realm will bring the intuitions and feelings we have into Reason and this way it backs them up so that there is no more doubt! It feels right and you *know* its right... through and through!

There is nothing to fear in the Astral. God is there too! Giving love is excellent advice when confronted with fear on the Astral. If there is still fear in the Astral, go deep into contemplation... not in form but in the Mind via thought. Gain Ideas, Inspirations... confidence in the All in All.

in Light,

a +brother

Monday, April 11, 2011

Inscription on Temple of Delphi

a good friend posted this in another place and worth repeating:

Inscription on Temple of Delphi:

"I warn you, whosoever you are, you who wish to know the secrets of Nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it without. If you ignore the excellencies of your own being, how do you intend to value other excellencies? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Man, know thyself, thus will you know the Universe and Gods."

in Light,

a +brother.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

the I

The 'I' is not just inside the body, rather the body is inside the 'I'.

Identify with the I, rather than the body, and commune with Life Herself!

The Holy Spirit, The Holy Gaurdian Angel, Life, etc are the same... they are our Higher Self and a Ray from God.

This will accomplish being in communication with and a Co-Worker with the Holy Spirit!

There is work tho, not just for personal Salvation, but for Salvation of the World!

with blessings,

a +brother

Friday, February 18, 2011

a saying of the Buddah

"If you meet a concept-idol of the Buddha on your Way, and it is blocking your path, slay it." _ paraphrased from a saying of Buddha's

I take this as any concept created as we try to explain our reality as we get closer to The Truth. imho, the mind should be flexible enough to break these concepts as they become outdated during our human and personal evolution. Jesus did not come for us to make yet another 'construct of reality'. He came to break older constructs and teach us to do the same. Reverence will be kept for the old ways as they helped us sprout up through Tradition, but we must be agile minded in order to progress. This saying of Buddah is a key to our mental honesty (purity).

in Love and Light,

a +brother

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Ocotillo

The Ocotillo tree

who is born of the desert

leans towards the east at first glimmerings of Venus the Light bearer anticipating the Sun

flowers blood red in spring at the first rain from the heavens

protects itself by its thorns... its own ego

and a nest for the turtle doves of the hot springs.

... Basking in the Beauty of the 4 worlds,

a +brother

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inside & Out

Looking at the world we can see a lot of similarities between us and the world in general. Take a look at a tree for example and compare it to our lungs... the upside down tree. The tree has a trunk as compared to trachea of our lungs, has branches (bronchi), has leafs (alveoli) and both function to *breath*. Take a look at the earth, with its many striations and different compositions of rocks and dirt, then take a look at our skin under a microscope... again similar. Take a look at the Sun with its illumination, warmth, and the giver of life then take a look at our Heart.

Maybe, what is on the outside is in direct symbolic relation to us. Maybe when we look out we are seeing a representation of ourselves. Maybe our world, our reality is inside out?

If we take this line of thought, then the chaos we see in our world, in our reality might also be a representation of the chaos we have internally. Maybe the turmoils of life, the wars, the famine, the despair is what we are internally? Maybe if we don't heal what is on the inside we have to heal and deal with it on the outside? Same goes with peace or any other feeling or desire. Maybe when we look at the sky, the planets, the sun and the moon, we are seeing representation of our own chakras with their own relations to our consciousness.

... and maybe, when we reconcile our own duality, our own shadow, we reconcile the world...

in Reconciliation, Regeneration, Reintegration!

... a +brother

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Freemason Symbol

The circle with the dot in the middle is the Symbol of the All, the unchanging, the Universe on all levels of manifestation. The two St Johns on either side... one the Evangelist as young and the other as Baptist as old.

One represents Change (St. John the Evangelist) and one represents Tradition (St John the baptist). These are two forces that get us to better understand the whole (circle with the dot in the middle). The young St John represents Change, but as a rapid, drastic, free for all type of change that comes from the young and more inexperienced. The old St John represents Tradition, as the static, unmoving, dogmatic type of tradition that keeps to the past as the more experienced. The Bible on top is balanced on the circle with the dot in the middle, *balanced*!! This Symbol represents how to Change in a *prudent* manner. That being of taking the St John the Evangelist's young, rapid, drastic, and free for all energy and *balancing it* with the old Traditional experienced St John the Baptist type of energy. Coming to a well balanced, middle path of change that is slower yet prudent, moving towards progress yet with the wisdom of the ages, helping in the evolution of humanity without 'crash and burn' of rapid change and stagnation of Tradition! Just another symbol of Balance of the Forces that we, as humanity are here to accomplish.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

O Infinite Father
Keep me, direct my paths
Melt opposition before me
Stretch round about me
Thy banner of Holy Fire
That no perversion can enter in

Reside with me always
Even as the stars reside with
the heavens

Surely goodness and mercy
Shall follow me all the days
of my life
And I shall dwell with Thee
In the house of the Lord

Beloved El Morya Khan

--- a post by sister Shanti!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love and tact

Question: When we get an intuition, gnosis, truth of some kind, should we automatically act on it? Should we be a 'pure channel'? Or is it up to us to make sure, and act on the intuitive knowledge with Love and *tact*?

From my perspective, we are responsible with what we do with these intuitions and inspirations... these truths. If we have Love, then we cannot possibly empty ourselves out with these truths, Gnosis or intuitive knowledge that we gain... *if it hurts another*. Sure, at the end, it might help the other person, but does our end justify our means?

Love is higher than that. Love means that even if the greatest of knowledge comes our way and we have the enormous need to impart it to another, we are still responsible for the mode, the means, the way we impart this knowledge! If a budding flower is not ready for a bucket full of water, do we still pure this water on the little budding flower? Even if this bucket is so heavy that it pains us to hold it? Or do we give this flower a bit of water every day until it is grown large enough to take the whole bucket of water.

The point here is that *we* are responsible with what we do with the knowledge that we gain. We will have to use our God given mind to figure out what is the best way to impart knowledge. We are responsible for its karma on another and on ourselves for giving it away carelessly. Love does not mean dishonesty... Honesty means that we partake in the purity of becoming honest, and at the same time use Love... which means the use of 'tact'. Love & Light in this world of Action means use of subtly and tact.

Just some thoughts and in Love,
a +brother

Friday, January 21, 2011

on the Worlds

There are worlds within worlds. The Cabalah describes them as:

Assiah (עֲשִׂיָּה) or World of Action / our world, the 'Physical' world

Yetzirah (יְצִירָה) or World of Formation / the 'Astral' world

Beri'ah (בְּרִיאָה or alternatively[3] בְּרִיָּה) or World of Creation / Spiritual (intuitive) world

Atziluth (אֲצִילוּת), or World of Emanation / world of causes, the Unity, Oneness

from personal experience there are no worlds, but degrees. The physical, astral, spiritual, and Unity worlds are here and now! We have access to them all in one, in our world.

The physical we know. This is the solid matter world. If we think of these worlds as water, then this physical world would be the ice.

The astral world is the world of more subtle matter. If we access it, we understand that our emotions rule it. If we emotionally feel a certain way in this world, then it happens. If we feel religious, we enter cathedrals build on the astral, if we feel happy, we encounter happy beings and so on. This world is full of entities just like in the physical world. There are 'good' and 'bad' entities... honest and not so honest ones out there too. This astral world has also beings of darkness that can only go as far as the astral and not higher. Dark magicians that are there to feed on fear. If we fully trust in the Sacred, then they have no power over us. Our body in this world is an astral, subtle body. If we think of this world with the reference to water, then this world is liquid water.

The Spiritual world has no form. It has no 'pictures' that we see, it is Intuitive! We get knowledge there that comes from the higher world, world of Unity, but here we are conscious of this knowledge. If we have questions and are honest about asking, then we can gain answers from the Spiritual world. It is Gnostic in the way that we gain information. We have no body here but a consciousness that forms a spherical pattern as we can see and know in all degrees. We gain Light from here. If we think of this world in reference to water, then this world would be vapor or gas.

The world of Unity is the Sacred. It can be accessed only if we give up all wants... including knowledge. It is the oneness with the Sacred. The oneness with all Life. It is the Cause that radiates down to the other 3 lower worlds. If we are looking for the Cause of all, then this is it, but we have to go down to the Spiritual world to be conscious of these causes. In oneness we simply are. It is the 'Being' that we feel deep within us. If we think of this world in reference to water, then this world would be the *cause* for water in all its manifestations.

These worlds are the Jacobs latter of the bible. We can go up and down these worlds.

In truth, these worlds are not separate, but simply degrees of awareness.

Happy traveling and in Love, Light, and Life,

a +brother

Sunday, January 9, 2011

on Religion

Religion, or Religion as it should be, is the manifestation of our Spirituality. It is the Spiritual put into action. What we are and feel with the Divine on the inside of us is put outside in the form of Religion. Religion is about Love as Divine is Love. Religion is the act of worship of the Divine outside of us as we are the worship of the Divine on the inside. In the rituals of Religion, the Divine that is inside of us is brought out in full view. The world herself is the Divine 'inside' of us manifested on the 'outside'.

There is no inside or outside. There is just Being. Religion, in its ideal form, has always been about bringing the process that we feel and think inside of *deepest* of being, into the outer consciousness that we call our reality. What is on the 'outside' world is symbolic of the process in our 'inside' world.

From this perspective, there is only one Religion, as there is only one Being. The Religion of the God of our Hearts... There are many ways to get there, but the ideal is the same.

In Service,
a +brother