Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inside & Out

Looking at the world we can see a lot of similarities between us and the world in general. Take a look at a tree for example and compare it to our lungs... the upside down tree. The tree has a trunk as compared to trachea of our lungs, has branches (bronchi), has leafs (alveoli) and both function to *breath*. Take a look at the earth, with its many striations and different compositions of rocks and dirt, then take a look at our skin under a microscope... again similar. Take a look at the Sun with its illumination, warmth, and the giver of life then take a look at our Heart.

Maybe, what is on the outside is in direct symbolic relation to us. Maybe when we look out we are seeing a representation of ourselves. Maybe our world, our reality is inside out?

If we take this line of thought, then the chaos we see in our world, in our reality might also be a representation of the chaos we have internally. Maybe the turmoils of life, the wars, the famine, the despair is what we are internally? Maybe if we don't heal what is on the inside we have to heal and deal with it on the outside? Same goes with peace or any other feeling or desire. Maybe when we look at the sky, the planets, the sun and the moon, we are seeing representation of our own chakras with their own relations to our consciousness.

... and maybe, when we reconcile our own duality, our own shadow, we reconcile the world...

in Reconciliation, Regeneration, Reintegration!

... a +brother

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