Friday, January 21, 2011

on the Worlds

There are worlds within worlds. The Cabalah describes them as:

Assiah (עֲשִׂיָּה) or World of Action / our world, the 'Physical' world

Yetzirah (יְצִירָה) or World of Formation / the 'Astral' world

Beri'ah (בְּרִיאָה or alternatively[3] בְּרִיָּה) or World of Creation / Spiritual (intuitive) world

Atziluth (אֲצִילוּת), or World of Emanation / world of causes, the Unity, Oneness

from personal experience there are no worlds, but degrees. The physical, astral, spiritual, and Unity worlds are here and now! We have access to them all in one, in our world.

The physical we know. This is the solid matter world. If we think of these worlds as water, then this physical world would be the ice.

The astral world is the world of more subtle matter. If we access it, we understand that our emotions rule it. If we emotionally feel a certain way in this world, then it happens. If we feel religious, we enter cathedrals build on the astral, if we feel happy, we encounter happy beings and so on. This world is full of entities just like in the physical world. There are 'good' and 'bad' entities... honest and not so honest ones out there too. This astral world has also beings of darkness that can only go as far as the astral and not higher. Dark magicians that are there to feed on fear. If we fully trust in the Sacred, then they have no power over us. Our body in this world is an astral, subtle body. If we think of this world with the reference to water, then this world is liquid water.

The Spiritual world has no form. It has no 'pictures' that we see, it is Intuitive! We get knowledge there that comes from the higher world, world of Unity, but here we are conscious of this knowledge. If we have questions and are honest about asking, then we can gain answers from the Spiritual world. It is Gnostic in the way that we gain information. We have no body here but a consciousness that forms a spherical pattern as we can see and know in all degrees. We gain Light from here. If we think of this world in reference to water, then this world would be vapor or gas.

The world of Unity is the Sacred. It can be accessed only if we give up all wants... including knowledge. It is the oneness with the Sacred. The oneness with all Life. It is the Cause that radiates down to the other 3 lower worlds. If we are looking for the Cause of all, then this is it, but we have to go down to the Spiritual world to be conscious of these causes. In oneness we simply are. It is the 'Being' that we feel deep within us. If we think of this world in reference to water, then this world would be the *cause* for water in all its manifestations.

These worlds are the Jacobs latter of the bible. We can go up and down these worlds.

In truth, these worlds are not separate, but simply degrees of awareness.

Happy traveling and in Love, Light, and Life,

a +brother

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