Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love and tact

Question: When we get an intuition, gnosis, truth of some kind, should we automatically act on it? Should we be a 'pure channel'? Or is it up to us to make sure, and act on the intuitive knowledge with Love and *tact*?

From my perspective, we are responsible with what we do with these intuitions and inspirations... these truths. If we have Love, then we cannot possibly empty ourselves out with these truths, Gnosis or intuitive knowledge that we gain... *if it hurts another*. Sure, at the end, it might help the other person, but does our end justify our means?

Love is higher than that. Love means that even if the greatest of knowledge comes our way and we have the enormous need to impart it to another, we are still responsible for the mode, the means, the way we impart this knowledge! If a budding flower is not ready for a bucket full of water, do we still pure this water on the little budding flower? Even if this bucket is so heavy that it pains us to hold it? Or do we give this flower a bit of water every day until it is grown large enough to take the whole bucket of water.

The point here is that *we* are responsible with what we do with the knowledge that we gain. We will have to use our God given mind to figure out what is the best way to impart knowledge. We are responsible for its karma on another and on ourselves for giving it away carelessly. Love does not mean dishonesty... Honesty means that we partake in the purity of becoming honest, and at the same time use Love... which means the use of 'tact'. Love & Light in this world of Action means use of subtly and tact.

Just some thoughts and in Love,
a +brother

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