Sunday, January 9, 2011

on Religion

Religion, or Religion as it should be, is the manifestation of our Spirituality. It is the Spiritual put into action. What we are and feel with the Divine on the inside of us is put outside in the form of Religion. Religion is about Love as Divine is Love. Religion is the act of worship of the Divine outside of us as we are the worship of the Divine on the inside. In the rituals of Religion, the Divine that is inside of us is brought out in full view. The world herself is the Divine 'inside' of us manifested on the 'outside'.

There is no inside or outside. There is just Being. Religion, in its ideal form, has always been about bringing the process that we feel and think inside of *deepest* of being, into the outer consciousness that we call our reality. What is on the 'outside' world is symbolic of the process in our 'inside' world.

From this perspective, there is only one Religion, as there is only one Being. The Religion of the God of our Hearts... There are many ways to get there, but the ideal is the same.

In Service,
a +brother

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