Tuesday, November 23, 2010

on Love... part one karma

"What about karma? It is for those who have not yet discovered LOVE. What about eternities? We who have found LOVE know heaven on earth. What about our hungers and appetites and ambitions? They are cared for and provided within this circle of the children of eternity. What about the laws of soul growth and growth in grace? They have their beginning and consummation in LOVE."
~Patriarch Herman Adrian Spruit, "The Rule of Antioch"

Why does this sound so correct? This experience of Divine Love, will it untangle the threads of karma? Is this the 'Good News' of the New Testament? Is this the Good News of the religions of the world?

Is this 'The Way'? We might be speaking of semantics here, but to reach the common denominator to Life, that essence that prevaides all things,... Love. Is this the only way to release from karma (salvation)? If so, it might be reached by many means... even by Divine Light (knowledge) but as one author put it, Light without Love is sterile, Love without Light is emotional fantasy, they are both of the same essence...

Just some thoughts and in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Centering Prayer

Was turned on to this by a very respected mentor and it came as usual via a Sync, as had been pointed to this by Life Herself just a few days before. Seems Life is persistent in pointing to the direction the Soul takes.

It is a simple meditation with profound significance. Simply... one chooses a 'sacred word' as a reminder of the original intent... which is nothing less than communion / union with God / Supreme Being / The ALL! As soon as one is aware of other thoughts during the meditation, no matter how profound, the thought is abandoned with the use of the word. This is not a simple 'repeat the word' type meditation, but rather the word is simply a tool to redirect the self to the original intent. Time it takes is around 20 minutes and it is recommended to do once or twice a day.
This meditation may help with experiencing profound feeling of connection! It is not an astral journey, but rather a deep connection to our very Essence, the common denominator of Life! Once this Essence is met, it is found to be deeply Loving and Peaceful. It is the background, foreground, and the very Life we live... if we simply pay attention to it. It is what the world is made of!!

This prayer / meditation bypasses other techniques as it goes passed the astral plains, the realm of forms, realm of thoughts, and goes directly to the Union with the Divine!

This technique is simple as all of the esoteric field should be! It is easy as Life should be! It is elegant as God Is!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother

Thursday, November 4, 2010

of Unity

Unity is so important at this specific time in our human evolution. There are two major forces at work these days: That of Unity, and that of Division, or in terms of the Natural forces, of building and of breaking down. These forces are functional in our evolutionary process.

Unity in religion, politics, or people in general is key to move on to our next level of progression, our next level of understanding. It brings reconciliation to our world. It joins us together in understanding. It is a Universal force in that we don't need to all be the same, but rather find reconciliation in the understanding of our differences.

Disunity, that of breaking apart, elitism, religious intolerance, and so on, will break us down. It will divide us to be conquered by those who know well these forces, but are inclined to side with the force of ’breaking down’. They will simply be the catalysts of this force and their sign of recognition will be that of the 'rule by control at whatever cost'!

These forces are Natural and part of the evolutionary process as a whole. We will keep going through this time after time until we get it right.

If we, as humanity, want to cross the threshold, we need to be more ’Universal’ in our perspective. This perspective is needed now more than ever because now, once again, we have become large enough in numbers that we’re totally and fully dependent on one another!

in Love,
a +brother

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

on transmutation of evil

Evil is not real in itself although it can have ’real’ effects.

An example:

Have you ever done something good for someone and see the goodness seep through them and onto another... and another... and so forth down the line? How far does it really go? Who decides to stop it?

Similar ’pass it along’ of intent and energy can also be caused by doing something 'bad' or 'evil'.

What is the root of evil? What is the root of good?

For lack of a better term most people are 'transmitters' of energy... Just like a 'wave' done at stadiums. Whether good or bad energy, it can be transmitted to and through the masses like a pebbles thrown in a still pond.

The chain of evil, STOPS and is BROKEN by those who can see the reality of these things, who take this 'bad' energy inside of them, transmute it within themselves, and refuse to allow it to pass along to another! We, as the so called walkers of the path, must learn to do this, specially in times of strife because we are so needed.

What is at the root of all this strife? This is nothing outside of us, but then again maybe nothing really is. These forces are sometimes embodied with names and characteristics by people trying to understand them. We get names like the devil, satan and lucifer. The pitfall here is that once we give a persona to these forces, we tend to forget... and place these forces outside of ourselves, placing blame in THEM rather than ourselves!

To stop a chain of evil, is to absorb it, transmute it, and turn the proverbial Lead to Gold. This is breaking of the curses. This is changing our reality!

Much like the Sun, may you radiate the Golden Light from within,

a +brother