Sunday, August 28, 2011


As above so below, as within so without, as before so once again.
Intra Nobis Regnum Iehova
(The Kingdom of God is within us)


I broke... and with me, so did the ground of my Psyche.
With the ground of my Psyche breaking, so broke the construct, the
edifice of my reality.

I broke and fell backwards within myself as did the bits and pieces of
the edifice of my reality.
Panicking, I tried to grasp at the ruins, the bits and pieces of my edifice.
But they only turned to dust and disappeared.

As I fell I saw the light of my reality dimming and then it was gone.
I was falling in the abyss!
Darkness all around me.
Despair, fear, struggle!
Time was lost.


Time was lost, I gave up the despair, let go of the fear, and stopped
the struggle.
I was still falling.
Realized: where am I falling to?
Turned around to look.
Realized I was never falling at all.
I was being pulled UP!
Up through the Planes of manifestation.
Up to the source.
Up to the divine essence.


I was a man dying of thirst floating in a sea of fresh water.
Unlimited energy to regenerate.
I reached out and the divine reached in.
It was always there, right behind me.
I felt it permeate through every particle of my being and surrounded me.


I felt the permeation, the touch.
I was sent down through the Planes of manifestation.
The touch started to crystallize into Knowledge of its essence.
Down through the Planes.
The knowledge crystallize into understanding of the essence.
Down through the Planes.
The understanding crystallize into authority to direct the essence.
I was given the Scepter!

...but 'I' will not direct. 'I' will not control. 'I' have no use of
this power.

Its a mutual understanding!

As above so below, as within so without, as before so once again.
Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
(Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying will find the hidden stone).

May you all realize that you too hold the Scepter!

~ a +brother
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
(Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Thy name be given glory).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Spirit behind forms...

Ideals to ideas to thoughts to words to action, form, events is the way of above to below.

Retrace actions, forms, events back to words inside your mind.

Turn the words back into thoughts.

Follow the thoughts to the ideas behind them.

Trace the ideas back to the Universal Ideals that spawned them.

In this way one may:

..."It ascends from the earth to the heaven again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior."~ Emerald Tablet of Hermes.

in Love to Light to Life,

a +brother

Friday, August 5, 2011

Order of the Temple part II

... There are the paths to the 'holy land', the Sacred Temple within you. These paths are rough and rugged roads. The closer one gets to the 'holy land', the more one is assaulted by the ones whose job is to divert, and to seduce by any means necessary. This, in the big scheme of things is to test the purity, will, and intent of the pilgrim upon the path. Do not be disheartened as there are ones who have taken on the mission to protect the pilgrims on the path to the 'holy land'. The end, never justifies the means!

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam~

~Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name be given glory ~ Psalm 115

a +brother