Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Whatever I think, whatever I do:
Myself, my senses, be honest, be true.

--Thinking and Destiny

Sunday, January 8, 2012


forgiveness ...

do i have the right to judge if i find fault in another? how can i see their fault, unless by recognizing the same fault within myself? am i better than another simply because i didn't take action on my feelings and desires, while the other did? therefore aren't both of us 'guilty' of the same feelings and desires? if so, the only thing that really separates us is degrees of weakness dealing with our feelings and desires. there are always stronger beings than us... do we ourselves want to be judged for our own weaknesses?

the problem here is not finding faults in another... or ourselves ... the problem seems to be our own need to balance our own feelings and desires... to heal ourselves first.