Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Caution for the Adepts

The path of the Adept... the Magi is a path of many pitfalls and constraints.

Been noticing the 'powers' of my peers increasing of late. It might sound silly to some, but to others it is quite serious. Powers such as directing of winds, astral projections, directing elementals and energies are coming to their own. These 'powers' are spoken of in the pamphlet "Adepts Masters & Mahatmas" by Percival. The cautions that he mentions is the *desire* to manipulate these powers comes with the price of bringing down the Adept more and more into the physical material plane, and hence hampering their progression.

Where I don't agree with Percival (to a certain degree only) is that he mentions it is extremely hard for an Adept to reach Master-hood or the Mental Level and they get stuck for many reincarnation in the physical and the astral levels. There is still the way of the Mystic, the Monk.

The *Caution* here for the ones on the path of the Adept is that the law of 'do what thou wilt'... even the addition of 'hurt no one', is still a law of free desire. Not bad in and of itself for anyone who does not feel the calling to the path, but for those on the path, this can be extremely hindering, limiting, and sometimes detrimental to their path. There are many examples of this today, the likes of the Abraham Hicks movement of getting whatever you desire. Yes, it is possible and it works, but one is only going deeper into desire and material. Using the new Astral body not for progression, but to fulfill desires on the physical plane.

There is a way for the Adept to progress like the days of old. It is not an easy way, but a way non-the-less. It is the way of the Monk. The early Adepts, the ones who had the path to spiritual progression from physical to astral to mental worlds and beyond, had to extremely restrain their own desires. They had to make moral and monistic laws and rules in order to keep their desires at bay while acting within the moral boundaries, all of this and at the same time working on their astral bodies. This way has worked in the past, but it is a lot less utilized in this day and age.

Just thought I'd share...

in Love,

a +brother.