Friday, May 6, 2011

On Government

No matter what one's political views are, the closest form of government to the natural order of things is a Democratic and representative Republic.

Look at the body, with all its cells functioning in unity. When a person makes a decision, does s/he defer to the cells to vote in order to act?

The cells (people) seem to really function at the behest of the brain (Judicial branch) and the heart (Congress with its finger to the pulse of the people (cells)), leading to the personality (Executive branch) to make the decision to Act.

A Democratic Representative Republic does just that.

One may say that the cells never elected the brain, heart, and the personality... With further contemplation one might ask... didn't they?

The warnings are the same...

If the brain takes over, the law is followed too literally, and the cells follow a very legalistic, harsh, and sterile leader... a world of dogmatic science!

If the heart takes over, the emotions run amok and the cells follow a overly protective, unstable, and emotional leader... a world of dogmatic religion!

If the personality takes over, then the cells follow a selfish, egotistical, and maniacal leader... a world of despotism!

It is only with these three opposing forces functioning in balance with one another, that the cells, and therefore man, can both function in Unity and still be a Sovereign!

... and so a Democratic and representative Republic echoes the Natural Hierarchy!

As below, so above.

in LL&L,
a +brother.