Monday, April 18, 2011

Too much Light may cause blindness

Truth (any ray of the Light or Divine Reason) needs to be supported by the individual or humanity that has risen to the degree of attainment called for by the truth, otherwise the truth will simply be engulfed by the darkness of ignorance.

Example... lets say that humanity is given the secret to perpetual motion, to unlimited power, but what will humanity, at this time in its advancement, do with it? Will it use it for the good of all, or will it simply use it to power more advanced killing machines until it destroys itself... once again!

We have to *earn* these truths, through advancement in ourselves, increased Reason, by being Honest, which manifests in Equality, Fairness and all the good things that we Idealize. We, as Humanity, need to earn this before more Light is given. This, is simply a Law... with increased power, comes the need for increased ability to direct it within the Law, or else we will destroy ourselves again.

Zeus didn't want Prometheus to give man fire, because maybe he knew man didn't deserve it at that time in his development, that he would use fire to cook and illuminate the night, but also use it to burn his neighbors doweling down!

The Illuminati... the real Illuminati's work, is in advancement of Humanity, after her/his own advancement. Imagine one giving a hand up to another while at the same time grabbing the hand of the one above... all the way up the celestial chain of the True Esoteric Hierarchy!

One for all and all for One.

in Light,
a +brother

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mental Realm

We all do Guided meditation from time to time, using imagination to transverse the Astral world.

The Astral world is the world of emotions put to form. In other words, it is just like this world, but you can build your forms (like temples and angels), and you can empty your daily stressers there feeling good after the meditation. With the 'good' also can come the 'bad'... The Astral is also the world of negative emotions and fears too! Every emotion that you might have in the material world will become amplified in the Astral.

We all visit the Astral on and off, but there is a higher world, a higher meditation. It is the world of Mind. It is Ideas that comes to you as thoughts. But this world of the Mind does not contain form. It is alien to some, because it is on the Mental and without forms or images. You gain Inspirations and Ideas using your thought (thinking things through) to reach it.

If you think about it, maybe it is time for you to move on? Maybe its time for you to gain *confidence* and *belief*? Because, after all, God is in *everything*. Once we realize this, have belief and confidence in the Spirit, we understand that the Spirit gives us everything we ever needed, need, or will need!

The Spiritual *is* even in the material. The Spirit (God) is *everywhere* and if we truely believe, there is no fear... I realize its easier said than done, but the Mental realm will bring the intuitions and feelings we have into Reason and this way it backs them up so that there is no more doubt! It feels right and you *know* its right... through and through!

There is nothing to fear in the Astral. God is there too! Giving love is excellent advice when confronted with fear on the Astral. If there is still fear in the Astral, go deep into contemplation... not in form but in the Mind via thought. Gain Ideas, Inspirations... confidence in the All in All.

in Light,

a +brother

Monday, April 11, 2011

Inscription on Temple of Delphi

a good friend posted this in another place and worth repeating:

Inscription on Temple of Delphi:

"I warn you, whosoever you are, you who wish to know the secrets of Nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it without. If you ignore the excellencies of your own being, how do you intend to value other excellencies? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Man, know thyself, thus will you know the Universe and Gods."

in Light,

a +brother.