Friday, February 18, 2011

a saying of the Buddah

"If you meet a concept-idol of the Buddha on your Way, and it is blocking your path, slay it." _ paraphrased from a saying of Buddha's

I take this as any concept created as we try to explain our reality as we get closer to The Truth. imho, the mind should be flexible enough to break these concepts as they become outdated during our human and personal evolution. Jesus did not come for us to make yet another 'construct of reality'. He came to break older constructs and teach us to do the same. Reverence will be kept for the old ways as they helped us sprout up through Tradition, but we must be agile minded in order to progress. This saying of Buddah is a key to our mental honesty (purity).

in Love and Light,

a +brother

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Ocotillo

The Ocotillo tree

who is born of the desert

leans towards the east at first glimmerings of Venus the Light bearer anticipating the Sun

flowers blood red in spring at the first rain from the heavens

protects itself by its thorns... its own ego

and a nest for the turtle doves of the hot springs.

... Basking in the Beauty of the 4 worlds,

a +brother

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inside & Out

Looking at the world we can see a lot of similarities between us and the world in general. Take a look at a tree for example and compare it to our lungs... the upside down tree. The tree has a trunk as compared to trachea of our lungs, has branches (bronchi), has leafs (alveoli) and both function to *breath*. Take a look at the earth, with its many striations and different compositions of rocks and dirt, then take a look at our skin under a microscope... again similar. Take a look at the Sun with its illumination, warmth, and the giver of life then take a look at our Heart.

Maybe, what is on the outside is in direct symbolic relation to us. Maybe when we look out we are seeing a representation of ourselves. Maybe our world, our reality is inside out?

If we take this line of thought, then the chaos we see in our world, in our reality might also be a representation of the chaos we have internally. Maybe the turmoils of life, the wars, the famine, the despair is what we are internally? Maybe if we don't heal what is on the inside we have to heal and deal with it on the outside? Same goes with peace or any other feeling or desire. Maybe when we look at the sky, the planets, the sun and the moon, we are seeing representation of our own chakras with their own relations to our consciousness.

... and maybe, when we reconcile our own duality, our own shadow, we reconcile the world...

in Reconciliation, Regeneration, Reintegration!

... a +brother

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Freemason Symbol

The circle with the dot in the middle is the Symbol of the All, the unchanging, the Universe on all levels of manifestation. The two St Johns on either side... one the Evangelist as young and the other as Baptist as old.

One represents Change (St. John the Evangelist) and one represents Tradition (St John the baptist). These are two forces that get us to better understand the whole (circle with the dot in the middle). The young St John represents Change, but as a rapid, drastic, free for all type of change that comes from the young and more inexperienced. The old St John represents Tradition, as the static, unmoving, dogmatic type of tradition that keeps to the past as the more experienced. The Bible on top is balanced on the circle with the dot in the middle, *balanced*!! This Symbol represents how to Change in a *prudent* manner. That being of taking the St John the Evangelist's young, rapid, drastic, and free for all energy and *balancing it* with the old Traditional experienced St John the Baptist type of energy. Coming to a well balanced, middle path of change that is slower yet prudent, moving towards progress yet with the wisdom of the ages, helping in the evolution of humanity without 'crash and burn' of rapid change and stagnation of Tradition! Just another symbol of Balance of the Forces that we, as humanity are here to accomplish.