Tuesday, August 24, 2010

about fear

If we truly know that the Universe is Just. That the Ultimate Truth, God, The Cosmos or whatever else we might call it, is Good. If we know that ultimately the world is here to help us evolve, no matter what the specific situation is at the moment ’good’ or ’bad’, and we *trust* in the God of our Hearts, then there is really NOTHING to fear... at all!

God is Love, and Light and our Life is bathed in it continually.

in LVX,
a +brother

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ethics, Morality and Tolerence

What does God want? Or is it more of what we *think* God wants (morality)?

I think its simply the different levels of understanding God. If we see God in *everything* and beyond, and If we put aside morality of what we think God is or wants, we must at least consider the *ethics* as related to the laws of nature...

I do see an ethical decay, simply look outside, from corporations to governments and all the people in between. The question here is: Are we able to use our Intelligence and Love to figure out how to live an ethical life together without inserting our personal notion of God into this? Can we come up with a reasonable understanding of the Laws of Nature and how to apply them?

My problem here isn’t with God or Religion (I believe in God and I consider myself a Christian) but really, we need to get past this morality ('it is so because my religion says so') and get to the ethics of life! The truth as we understand it.

Once we begin to understand we don’t have to ’tolerate’ anything. We transcend it by starting to understand the Laws of nature, and hence to understand the mind of God, which to me is Love and Light.

Why ’tolerate’ if we can Understand!

Just some thoughts and in Love, Light, and Life!
a +brother

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A mirror

What we usually criticize or even like in others we are actually criticizing and liking in our own deepest of selves! For me it took a bit of contemplation but really we are mind looking at its own different facets whenever we interact with another... we are looking in a mirror and our feelings about another are our feelings about ourselves!! We can only hate someone when we hate that part in ourselves... or Love another when we love that part of ourselves.

So, by that insight into our own selves, we can gain insight into the deeper recesses of anther’s soul simply because it is also in us!

We are created in God's image. We *are* the image of God, a mirror broken in to billions of pieces!

in LVX,
a +brother

Monday, August 2, 2010

on Egregore

From my experience, an Egregore is group consciousness and more...
an Egregore can be built by those who know how or it comes on as an after-effect.

The Church (all of them / or pick your religion) has her own Egregore, you feel it when you step into one, you feel it at high mass (for the Catholics) its the energy that is there, even when its empty. The same can be felt in a Lodge room of Freemasons, or a meditation room that has been in use for a while. If one is open enough, we can *feel* what group matches our Spirit / Soul!

An Egregore is also a connection to the symbols used *by* the group. in prayer / meditation those symbols start to come by, and if one is studying with the specific group one understands its ’language’ of symbols.

Those who know how, have also built places on the Astral that we can call Egregore, there is the Christian egregore of heaven, or pick your religion, they are as different as their symbols and notions of afterlife. There are also ’Cathedrals’ and other places / planes that can be accessed by those who know how... or even spontaneously by those who are in tuned to that specific Egregore.

There are also feelings of close groups, for example one person has a hard day, the rest of the group starts to *feel* it! These close groups start us on our paths to ’One-ness’ that we as humans will all share someday!

in Love to Light to Life,
a +brother